2023 district level elections : 57% of assembly members won are NPP – Nana B


National Organiser of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Henry Nana Boakye known in the political arena as Nana B has said the about 58 percent of the assembly members who have won in the just ended district assembly level elections are persons affiliated to the party.

He made this conclusion when he took to his Facebook page to congratulate the winners following thier successful elections to represent their respective electoral areas today Tuesday, December 19.

“Based on the NPP’s Internal Collation System, 57.41% of NPP affiliated  candidates who contested in today’s district assembly elections won”, the NPP national organiser wrote.

“Their triumph is a testament to the support and trust they’ve earned from their community . The National Party extends its hearty congratulations to these dedicated individuals for their success in serving the people”, he added.

Many right thinking Ghanaians have condemned the politicisation of the district level elections, with some experts describing it as a curse, while others are saying it is dangerous to the Ghana’s democracy.

One Mr. Abdul Lateef Umar, a development management and resiliency specialist consultant in local government qdministration and organization said it will weaken the capacity of local governments to deliver and leave out local and indigenous people with local knowledge about their communities.

He was making a presentation on the topic: “Politicizing District Level Elections in Ghana: a Blessing or a Curse” at the 12th annual regional Community Based Organizations’ (CBOs) Festival in Tamale organized by the Ghana Developing Communities Association (GDCA), a non-governmental organization in November this year.

Also, a former District Chief Executive (DCE) nominee for Akatsi North who is also a former assembly man in the district decried the rate at which party politics was creeping into the District Level elections.

He said care must be taken “not to create unamenable cracks within the core of the fiber of our society which will be beyond repairs.”

“The District Assembly concept is the most basic core and fundamental structure of our democratic architecture, and so it must be kept politically neutral as the framers of the 1992 posit to attract the necessary community cohesion and local development to take place,” he said.

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