Allow Zaruk to contest, I’ll use him to teach NDC a lesson – Nitiwul brags


The MP for Bimbila, Dominic Nitiwul is asking elections committee of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to allow Alhaj Ahmed Nuhu Zaruk stand for the parliamentary elections against him in the Bimbila constituency to suffer defeat in his hands.

According to the Defense Minister, the appeals election committee of the party, should allow his main contender fill his forms properly at the constituency level and make him stand for the contest.

Speaking to the Media after going through the vetting process at RCC in Tamale on Thursday, 4th January 2024, the MP for Bimbila noted that the party should let Alhaj Zaruk contest him so that he will use him to test what he will do to the NDC in the 2024 general elections, claiming he fears no contest at all.

” I say that they should get that gentleman contest. Because they say the gentleman has not filled the form. I want to appeal to the appeals committee of the party to get the gentleman to go back to Bimbila to fill his form properly and allow him to contest the election. They should suspend everything and get the form back to Bimbila, let him go and fill the form properly and ask him to contest the election and will see how I will treat him in the constituency. I will use him to the tell the NDC what I will do to them in 2024.Tell him I will use him to test what I will do to the NDC in election 2024″.

Meanwhile, the Defense Minister also indicated that his preoccupation is to make Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia win the Presidential election in 2024 but not the happenings in Bimbila constituency.

“My preoccupation is to get the Vice President win the election, that is all my preoccupation. I’m not worry about what is happening in Bimbila at all, not at all. That is not something I bother with myself. When my form was picked, I was not there. 910 delegates went to pick my form and we have 925 delegates.So I am not worried at all”.

Hon. Dominic Nitiwul is confident of victory on any day in the constituency given his track record

“If you keep winning 10,000 votes as an NPP person in the North here, then you are doing something right. Because for the last 5 elections there is no day i won election less than 10,000 difference. Either 11,00 difference or 12,000 difference or 13,000 difference, it means am doing something right, that is the only reason the people keep voting for me. So i will say that am grateful to the constituency for giving me that opportunity”.

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