Bawumia has deceived Gonjas enough – Gonja-lander list unfulfilled DMB’s promises


A writer and a member of Gonja-land Youth Association, Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese has listed a number of developmental projects promised by the vice president, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia who doubles as the flagbearer for the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), yet has not fulfilled them.

In an article Mr. Kudus Gbeadese tilted “Jakpa Palace: The Rolling Drain On The Progress Of Gonja?”, he wondered how a man who has failed to fulfill promises he made to the people of Gonja-land will still be given a chieftaincy title as “Chief of Unity”, when Wasipe conflict involving Mamprusi and Gonjas is yet to be resolved.

According to him, the NPP flagbearer cut a sod for construction of the Savannah Regional House of chiefs Office Complex, saying that it has since not been fulfilled, adding that the vice president is only interested in the votes during the 2024 general elections, and not to help them get development.

“The Vice President inaugurated the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs in September 2020. As a consequence, he cut the sod for the construction of the Savannah Regional House of chiefs Office Complex and promised it was going to be completed in 12 months. It’s been three years and counting and not even a block is laid. We expected the palace to ask him why”,  he wrote.

“Dr. Bawumia made a promise in 2018 that the Damongowater project had been approved and was going to commence that same year. President Nana Addo in the same year made the same promise and in addition, promised 10 mechanized boreholes as a stop-gap measure pending the construction of a comprehensive and modern water project”,  he added.

Kudus alleged that MP for Damongo Constituency, Samuel Abu Jinapor has been drawing contaminated water from a deserted dam for the people of his area to drink while waiting for nothing, adding that they are being deceived with a so called water project which is never in the like of what was promised in July, 2020 when the sod was cut for the water project at the Damongo town park.

He also said that not only the aforementioned projects, the vice president as well promised Gonja-land and people of Dagbon and its sarounding communities a bridge that on the White Volta, which has not been fulfilled too ever since.

“On April 4, 2021, Dr. Bawumia promised the chiefs and people of Wasipe that work on the Daboya Bridge on the White Volta was to commence that same year. He made this promise at the instance of the Bolewura in Bole. Itsbeen almost 3 years down the drain, not even a responsible explanation has been offered the people of Gonjaland as towhy the project has not commence. Is the Jakpa Palace worried about this development?”, he asked.

Below are other promises Kudus believed has not been fulfilled by Nana-Bawumia led government:

The Vice President inaugurated the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs in September 2020. As a consequence, he cut the sod for the construction of the Savannah Regional House of chiefs Office Complex and promised it was going to be completed in 12 months. Its been three years and counting and not even a block is laid. We expected the palace to ask him why.

Dr. Bawumia made a promise in 2018 that the Damongo water project had been approved and was going to commence that same year. President Nana Addo in the same year made the same promise and in addition, promised 10 mechanized boreholes as a stop-gap measure pending the construction of a comprehensive and modern water project. As we speak, our MP, Hon Samuel Abu Jinapor has been drawing contaminated water from a deserted dam for us to drink while waiting for nothing. We are being deceived with a so called water project which is never in the like of what was promised on that day in July, 2020 when the sod was cut for the water project at the Damongo town park. As a resident of Damongo now, we expected the Yagbonwura and his council of advisors to ask the right questions in respect of the Damongo Water Project.

On April 4, 2021, Dr. Bawumia promised the chiefs and people of Wasipe that work on the Daboya Bridge on the White Volta was to commence that same year. He made this promise at the instance of the Bolewura in Bole. Its been almost 3 years down the drain, not even a responsible explanation has been offered the people of Gonjaland as to why the project has not commence. Is the Jakpa Palace worried about this development?

The Busunu-Daboya road project was abandoned by Dr. Bawumia and his government for well over 7 years. It has become an annual ritual that when it rains, the road gets washed away and the people of Wasipe have to make do with a temporary closure of movement of people and goods. Coincidentally, the NPP Savannah Regional Chairman and the Regional Secretary are from Wasipe. What do they tell the Vice President during their quiet moments? And if they are afraid to speak truth to power because of what they will personally get into their pockets, what about our chiefs? Is the Jakpa Palace aware of the deliberate abandonment of this road project which started by President John Mahama in 2016?

The Doli Bridge has suffered a collateral damage some few months ago. As we speak, heavy vehicles from and to the Upper West Region are using the Sawla-Fufulso road as an alternative route, resulting in the fast wearing out of the 147.5km Fufulso-Sawla road. Meanwhile, the small Doli Bridge which should not take up to a month for a serious government to reconstruct is taking several months to complete. Was the Bolewura in the palace when the Vice President was enskinned? Is he interested in the development of his traditional area?

The Fufulso-Sawla road is wearing out, especially the Laribanga-Sawla stretch. The money left for project defect liability period cannot be accounted for, and the people are left to suffer on this road. What happened to the promise made by President Nana Addo in 2019 that a contractor was moving to site to repair the damaged portions of this road? Couldn’t the palace ask this questions?

The 60-bed Salaga Hospital Project is crying for attention. Meanwhile, we have great sons daughters from Kpembe traditional area who are part of this government including the Kpembewura, who at a point could predict election results. Do our chiefs still care about the health needs of the people of the Kpembe traditional area?

The people of Damongo over the period have to make do with an ailing District Hospital which has become a “death trap” other than a health service provider it is supposed to be, because of partly the issue of management and other internal arrangements. Let nobody blame the Catholic Church here, but all of us as a people especially our MP, Hon Abu Jinapor who represent us in government. What happened to the promise of a Regional Hospital in the agenda 111 projects? Couldn’t the Yagbonwura and his elders ask the relevant questions in respect of this issue?

The Tamale-Salaga-Mankango road project was hurriedly varied and the contract taken from Ibrahim Mahama because he was said to be the brother of President John Mahama. As we speak, the project has been abandoned and the stretch between Kabache through Salaga to Mankango is in a bad state. Between this project and a palace which one should the Vice President be interested in? Couldn’t the palace remind Dr. Bawumia about this road other than literally “begging” for alms we can raise by ourselves?

The Vice President promised the people of Laribanga an Islamic Senior High School. A school building which was funded by GETFund is left to rot with rodents and weeds conducting their night services in as we speak. At least, the palace could remind Dr. Bawumia that the school has not been inaugurated, and my people in Laribanga will applaud the Palace and its counsellors.

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