Begging for motor on Facebook wrong, insult to employer – Most Relevant fires angry DJ Bat


Mohammed Hafiz, known by many as G-Face in the northern entertainment industry has told off his colleague suspended radio presenter with Zaa Multimedia, DJ Bat for begging for a motobike on Facebook, describing it as an insult to the latter’s employer.

G-Face who is the host of The Treader’s Drive on Tamale based Majority Radio said this when he commented on DJ Bat’s post demanding apology from Majority Radio for publishing what he described as a false information about which he believed could tarnish his image.

“DJ Parara, CEO of majority radio have no conscience, but me I can’t fight you because am just a poor boy from that poor village working so hard to change the Narrative in my poor family of more than five and more  siblings who are depending on me including my sick mother in the village”, Abdu Rahim, wrote.
“DJ PARARA and majority radio who think he has it all the money and the power to suppress anybody he feels to. That’s why he boldly and deliberately told me he won’t pull down the post (lies) and disrespect. He boldly told me is more powerful and nobody can stop him even after knowing that publication is a palpable lies”, the suspended DJ Bat added.
But in commenting on the post, G-Face wrote, “Bro .. You got it Wrong form the Start going on a public platform to beg for a Bike . Tht was a big insult to your employer. A lot happened that we all know you  are go through. The handler of the page got it wrong by posting that on the page as well. The CEO of Majority Radio contacted you and made an apology respectively, Why are you so interested in getting ur self discussed the wrong ways?”

On October 14, made similar publication about the suspension of Zaa Multimedia’s staff and host of entertainment show, dubbed – The Plug on Zaa TV, which is a mother media for both Zaa TV suspending Amidu Abdu Rahim, a.k.a. DJ Bat.

“The writeup of DJ Bat pleading for fans and well-wishers to come to his aid and help him with a motto bike brought alot of bad and nasty comments against the CEO of Zaa Multimedia who happens to be the Dagomba Chief in USA…”,  a post on Majority Radio’s Facebook page says.

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