Court fine for UTV invasion GHC2400, continue f00ling – NDC executives to Metro TV’s Paul


Some angry party executives of the opposition National Democratic Congress NDC have sent a strong warning to the host of Metro TV’s Good Evening Ghana, Paul Adom Orchere about his conduct as a journalist towards their party, reminding him that a court fine for studio invasion is GHC2400.

These executives, Deputy National Organizer of the party, Elikem Kotoko and Greater Accra Regional Youth Organiser, Amorse Blessing Amos as identified by their Facebook names made the comments to register their displeasure regarding the fine by the court following the invasion of UTV studio by some NPP thugs.

“Now that we know the fine for invading studio is GHC2400, Paul Adom Otchere should continue fooling”, the NDC Greater Accra Regional Youth Organiser wrote on Facebook.

Amos’ post on Facebook

“Dear Paul Adom-otchere, we now know the fine for invading studios, at least we can also afford GhC2,400.00
Choose what to do with this info”, the national deputy organiser of the party also wrote.

Elikem’s post on Facebook

Commenting on the matter, private legal practitioner and host of Joy News’ Newsfile, Lawyer Samson Anyenini described the fine as not deterrent enough to scare away potential attackers of journalists and media houses by the public and political party thugs.

He wrote below:

“Pray – The fines not deterrent. #UTV16

We can discuss the appropriateness or otherwise of the charges in the face of potential other charges of assault, threat of harm and the felony of unlawful entry. But let’s not forget the implications of a criminal CONVICTION on anybody.

Again, these 16 are supposedly politicians and potential public office holders and take note of the potential further implications if the article 94 MP and other offices – disqualification of a conviction of an offence involving “dishonesty or moral turpitude” is deemed applicable to them as ex-convicts.

Fact of law though is that immediate admission of guilt also informs courts on sentencing. Such conduct, in appropriate cases, often leads to a reduction in the punishment.

If they were first-time offenders, and being young, that is also considered in sentencing.”


On Saturday October 7, 2023, the group of people who identified themselves as sympathisers or members of the New Patriotic Party stormed the premises of UTV in Accra, forced their way into the studios and disrupted a live broadcast of the United Showbiz programme.

Numbering 16, the police picked them up for invading the studios of Accra-based television station, UTV, to interrupt a live programme. 

The arrest followed a complaint by the owners of UTV, Despite Media Group, and the Ministry of Information (MoI).

They were subsequently arraigned at an Achimota Magistrate Court after investigations.

They were charged with conspiracy to commit crime and rioting and they pleaded guilty to the charges.

The court therefore convicted them on their own plea and fined each person GH¢2,400.

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