Dr. Awal’s Sacking, A Blow to NPP’s Prospects in Kumbungu Constituency


By Soofo Yamusah, Kumbungu

In a shocking turn of events, the recent dismissal of Dr Ibrahim Mohammed
Awal as Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture has sent ripples through the
political landscape, particularly in the Kumbungu Constituency. The implications of this decision by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) resonate deeply, with potential repercussions for the upcoming 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary elections in the region.

Dr Awal, a prominent figure and a key player in the NPP, played a pivotal role as the main financier during the 2020 campaign. His unwavering financial support extended beyond the party to empower women’s groups, supporting business men and women, sponsoring individuals to pursue education, and providing funds to expand local businesses. His commitment to grassroots development and empowerment made him a linchpin within the community.

The impact of Dr Awal’s removal is evident in the numerous community projects he championed. His successful lobbying efforts resulted in the approval of an 18 unit-classroom story building for Kumbungu Senior High School through the GETFund. Furthermore, Dr Awal’s dedication to education saw the initiation of girls’ dormitory project, which is currently 80% complete. Additionally, the acquisition of a school bus for Kumbungu
Senior High School was a testament to his commitment to improving educational facilities in the constituency.

Beyond infrastructure development, Dr Awal played a crucial role in fostering unity within the political landscape. His diplomatic mediation allowed Hon. Abdul Salaam Hamza Fataw, the District Chief Executive (DCE), to go uncontested in the 2024 Parliamentary Primaries. This
strategic move not only showcased Dr Awal’s political acumen but also
contributed to the cohesion within the party.

Moreover, Dr Awal’s efforts in reconciling differences between the DCE on one hand and his seeming internal rivals on the other hand, demonstrated his commitment to maintaining harmony within the party. The ripple effect of his mediation extended to the provision of employment opportunities for numerous youth in the constituency, showcasing his dedication to addressing the unemployment crisis.

It is worthy of note that, since 2020, Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Awal’s vested
interest is to ensure that Hon Abdul-Salaam Hamza Fataw wins Kumbungu seat for the first time in the fourth republic.

The sudden departure of Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal from the political
scene has left a void that may prove detrimental to the NPP’s chances in
the upcoming elections in the Kumbungu Constituency. The loss of a key
financier, influential mediator, and dedicated community developer raises
questions about the party’s ability to wrestle the seat from the underperforming NDC in Kumbungu.

As the dust settles, the NPP must carefully consider the ramifications of this decision and work towards filling the void left by Dr Awal’s absence.

The Kumbungu Constituency stands at a crossroads, and the party’s ability
to navigate this challenging terrain will undoubtedly shape its electoral
fortunes in 2024.

This is particularly important at a time when NDC is in serious crisis in Kumbungu Constituency. This is evident in a leaked audio conversation purporting to be the voice of Honourable Ras Mubarak; Former Member of Parliament for Kumbungu Constituency. In the leaked audio, the former MP lamented that NDC may lose the Kumbungu seat if they fail to put their house in order.

Based on the above, many of the constituents believe that if Dr Awal is
actively involved in the upcoming 2024 elections just like 2020, the NPP will
surely snatch the seat from the National Democratic Congress.

Table One shows the results of 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary
Election Results.

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