Exposed : Felicia’s donation for Garizegu dam is 15k, not 150k as reported – NDC claims


The NDC Communication Officer for Sagnarigu Constituency, Abdulai Mohammed Amin has revealed that the money donated by the NPP parliamentary candidate for the area, Madam Felicia Tettey is not 150,000 GHc as reported by some news portals but 15,000 GHc.

He said this in a statement copied to adding that the NDC parliamentary candidate, Atta Issa has made a similar donation for the same project to a tune of 20, 000 GHc.

Read the full statement below:


It is unfortunate that someone who is seeking to represent the good and respected people of the Sagnarigu constituency as a member of parliament, will engage in fallacy and grand deception to deceive the people into believing that she is doing something meaningful.

After Honorable Atta Issah has spent in excess of over 110,000 cedis to reconstruct the Damankunyili dam to a depth of about 8fits, which will now be capable of serving all the near by communities, Madam desperation was keenly looking for an opportunity to attempt an equalization which has finally come when the issue of the Garizeigu dam came up.

After Madam Felicia Tetey made an amount of 15,000cedis donation, it was deliberately and capriciousily captured in the media as 150,000cedis. This has gone viral on all the social media handles of Madam Desperation , which she deliberately allows to trend.

It is equally instructive to note that some few days a go, this same woman was in Damankunyili and Dungu sharing peanuts, biscuits, bulbs, and 20gh to each household she visited.

The most devastating thing about this unearthical behavior was the fact that the biscuits that were shared all expired since December 2023. This cruel attitude has further dented Madam Felicia Tetteh’s already deteriorated image as someone who aspires to lead. It has also amounted to votes buying and a lack of realistic campaign messages to convince voters.

Upon serving in the clueless and nepotic government of NPP for 8 years, Madam Felicia Tetteh can not point to one tangible developmental project or social intervention policy she has initiated to bring releaf to the good and respected people of the Sagnarigu constituency.

Haven lost the Parliamentary elections to the workerholic Honorable A.B.A Fuseini, Madam Felicia Tetey completely abandoned the constituents only to resurface 12 months to elections.
This hit and run attitude of Madam Fecial Tetteh must not be tolerated.

In conclusion, we are calling on Madam Felicia Tetteh to come out public and render unqualified  apologize to the good people of Gariziegu and the whole Sagnarigu Constituency for deliberately, capriciousily, and whimsical peddling naked lies about her donation of 15,000cedis as 150,000cedis and go and  sin no more!

Thank you.

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