Flashback : Ongoing reshuffle about winning elections not solving problems – Bawumia


The vice president, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has been at the receiving end of some angry Ghanaians for taking decisions that he, Bawumia and Nana Addo criticized former president John Mahama when the former was in opposition.

This was after screenshots of the vice president Dr. Bawumia’s 2016 social media comments popped up following the recent reshuffle by president Akufo-Addo.

“The ongoing reshuffle appears to be one to do with winning an election rather than one aimed at addressing the challenges
faced by Ghanaians. In this regard, I am convinced that the ongoing reshuffle by the President will be meaningless. Thankfully, the ultimate Reshuffle will be done on November 7th by the people of Ghana”,  Dr. Bawumia said in a Facebook post on January 10, 2016.

A news publication by 3news.com said :

Vice Presidential Candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has pooh-poohed the recent ministerial reshuffle conducted by President John Dramani Mahama, saying it will be meaningless.

President Mahama’s reshuffle announced on Tuesday morning sees former Chief of Staff Prosper Douglas Bani returning to government as Minister of Interior while Mark Woyongo goes to the presidency as Minister of State.

Deputy Local Government Minister Nii Lantey Vanderpuye has also been named Minister of Youth and Sports-designate, among other appointments.

But in a Facebook post on Wednesday, Dr Bawumia though acknowledging that reshuffles in government are normal stressed that the ongoing one being undertaken is to win elections “rather that one aimed at addressing the challenges faced by Ghanaians”.

The former Deputy Central Bank governor said what Ghanaians want changed are hardships that afflict the people, unprecedented joblessness of Ghanaian youth, increases in taxes, decline in agriculture and incompetent economic management.

“In this regard, I am convinced that the ongoing reshuffle by the president will be meaningless.

“Thankfully, the ultimate reshuffle will be done on November 7th by the people of Ghana,” he predicted.

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