Ghanaian doing stand-a-thon gives up, says he won’t do again


A Ghanaian by name Patrick Amenuvor who officially started attempt to set a record in the longest standing category has given up, saying that he broke the rules of the Guinness World Record.

Patrick said this in a statement issued today, few hours after he started.


Due to my integrity and desire to win by fair play I wish to inform all of my intention to stop my OFFICIAL STAND-A-THON attempt due to some
rules I’ve broken which might sabotage my efforts to break the record.

At this point I deem it fit to get back with my team to review our attempt so far and make sure to avoid any errors that may hinder my future attempt.

I want to use this opportunity to thank all who have stood with me all this while and I want to assure all that Patrick Amenuvor STAND-A-THON is a dream that I’m not sleeping on. New date will be communicated via all my social media pages.

Thank you Ghana for the support.

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