Government has neglected Zantani residents – NDC cries over life-threatening condition


The opposition National Democratic Congress NDC in the Tolon Constituency has bemoaned the lack of proper attention from government to the people of Zantani, a suburb of Tolon district, describing it as “neglect”.

In a press statement copied to, signed by the party’s communications officer, Dr. Seidu Fiter, he said the situation is a “life-threatening condition” the people have found themselves.

“It is common knowledge that in season such as this, it takes almost two hours to cross the river with a canoe. Basically, four productive hours is spent by commuters on the river. Regrettably without life protective jackets”, the NDC communications officer stated.

“The people of Zantani and its environs have suffered this injustice and
marginalization for decades, and the status quo cannot continue in this day and age”, he added.


Good afternoon our friends from the media.

ON behalf of the constituency good people on Zantani and Tolon district as whole, I humbly welcome all of you to this very important Press Conference. It is with regret we have to address you from the bank of this river.

The purpose of this gathering is to highlight the dangers our compatriots in Zantani and its environs and other communities that are closed to the river go through every single day. This is aggravated during rainy seasons.

It is common knowledge that in season such as this, it takes almost two hours to cross the river with a canoe. Basically, four productive hours is spent by commuters on the river. Regrettably without life protective jackets.

The people of Zantani and its environs have suffered this injustice and
marginalization for decades, and the status quo cannot continue in this day and age.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, it cannot be business as usual. The area has
contributed, and continue to contribute immensely to the development of Tolon
district and Ghana as a whole.

Substantial percent of food items such as maize, millet, guinea corn, yam, and fish are produced from this area to feed the populace in the district and beyond.

Again, friends from the media the Zantani area produces a lot of timber for the country, through which the district assembly gets Internally Generated Funds.

Despite their invaluable contributions to the development of the district, nothing is
done by government to facilitate safe movement of goods and people across the river.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, are people of the Zantani not humans enough to deserve engine boat for safe crossing? Have they not contributed their quota to the development of the district and Ghana as a whole? Are they not part of us? Are we waiting for another Golinga to occur where precious lives were lost to water then we come crying more than the bereaved?

We are therefore by this conference, calling on the District Assembly led by the Hon District Chief Executive to as a matter urgency provide an engine boat for the good people of Zantani area for safe crossing of the river.

We are also well aware of a budgetary allocation with an amount of about twenty-four thousand Ghana cedis (Gh24000) for the construction of engine boat against the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF).

Subsequently, about two hundred thousand Ghana cedis was received from the central government as part of DACF. To our utter dismay, the money vanished into thin air within a shortest time, with the work left unattended to.

Friends from the media, is the DCE and his people waiting for an election time so
that they can go and use it to promise them for votes? We should not be prioritizing people only during elections. We should prioritize their lives ahead of elections and treat them as dignified people and not as if we are giving them a favor.

In conclusion, as responsible people we cannot sit down looking the danger before
our very eyes and only waiting for the next victims when something can be done to
avert such calamitous situation. May God bless us all and bless our homeland Ghana.

Thank you all for coming.
Long live the people Zantani,
Long live Tolon District

Hon. Somed Chentiwuni (PM Tolon District Assembly) – 0554429947
Dr. Seidu Fiter (Social Activist) – 0244689135
Abubakari Fuseini Oluu (Social Activist) – 0544149326
Sulemana Yamusa Nabila (Concerned Youth) – 0548163481

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