I have no ministerial appointment, yet performed better than ministers – Yendi MP


Member of Parliament (MP) for Yendi Constituency, Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama has said that he has performed better than some ministers and their deputies in the Akufo-Addo’s government, even though he has no ministerial appointment.

FAM, as he is affectionately called made this revelations when he was speaking at an even to cut sod for the construction of Yendi inner roads in the municipality yesterday, September 30.

“I want to tell you, the good people of Yendi Constituency that the day has come for you to benefit from the decision you made on December 7, 2020. You voted for President Akufo-Addo and Alhaji Farouk, and this is the time to be paid back for that”, he told the people.

“In Sha Allah, I will be voted again to represent you in parliament. And that is when you will see wonders. I am not a minister or deputy minister, but I have performed better than some of them who occupy such positions”, he bragged.

The MP used the opportunity to call on the good people of Yendi to channel their energy into fighting poverty and stop jealousy and hatred, saying that these affect development.

Communities to benefit from the project are, Nayili Fong to Gukpegu road, Waayili road, Kumfong and Montia roads.

Alhaji Farouk believed his hardwork led him to getting to chair a committee in parliament, even though he is a first timer.

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