I shall use Ghana’s constitution to settle Kusasis, Mamprusis’ war – Bawumia promises


The Vice Presi­dent, Dr Maha­mudu Bawumia has urged Mam­prusis and Kusasis involved in the chieftaincy dispute in Bawku to cease hostilities and forge together in unity for sustainable develop­ment in the area.

The two factions have been in­volved in a chieftaincy dispute that has caused the loss of lives and property, as well as disruption of economic and social activities.

Dr Bawumia visited the town yesterday to meet with the chiefs and people of the area, where he appealed to the feuding factions to come together because “you are fundamentally the same people.”

“As a son of the north, I am very pained by the conflict that we have in Bawku between Kusasis and Mamprusis over chieftaincy,

“This conflict has led to need­less loss of lives and disrupted economic activity and develop­ment in Bawku. It is really sad.

“Fundamentally, we are really one people. We have intermarried over the years and our languages are very similar. I believe with every bone in my body that, it is possible to have peace and harmo­ny between Kusasis and Mam­prusis in Bawku and I will work towards that. We have to work towards it. It is possible,” the Vice President added.

Dr Bawumia pointed out that the conflict had stalled develop­ment in the area, and urged all to come together and rather fight issues affecting the youth, rather than fight each other.

“The problem our people face is poverty and underdevelopment. As President, in shaa Allah, I will contribute immensely to uplift­ing our people from poverty and underdevelopment.

“We cannot however, be suc­cessful in our quest to eradicate poverty and bring development to our people in an atmosphere of conflict. We need peace for development.

“Our youth need jobs, we need education, we need healthcare, we need roads. We should be fighting for the needs of our youth and not fight with each other,” Dr Bawumia said.

On the chieftaincy issue, Dr Bawumia called for the use of “due process” for addressing chieftaincy issues, as stated in the Constitution of Ghana.

“Let me be clear that the Con­stitution of the Republic of Gha­na has set out very clear guidelines for the resolution of chieftaincy disputes.

This is through the House of Chiefs and ultimately the Supreme Court.”

“Fighting and killing each other can never resolve a chieftaincy dis­pute. And I should also state that under the Constitution of the Re­public of Ghana, no government can impose or use force to settle a chieftaincy dispute. As President, in shaa Allah, I shall respect the constitution and ensure the state of Ghana is peaceful and secure.”

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