I’ve performed more than all Kumbungu DCEs, MPs since 1992 – DCE boasts


The district chief executive officer for Kumbungu, Abdul Fatawu Hamza has tauted his himself as the best among all DCEs or MPs the area has had since 1992, emphasizing that no none of the aforementioned can match him in terms of which politician has brought developmental projects to the district.

He said this when he was speaking exclusively on radio Tamale’s political talkshow dubbed – Boot 4 Boot yesterday, December 23 in response to what the NDC’s constituency communication officer said on same platform tagging him as “none performing” DCE.

“If not by God’s grace, nothing can make me run away from invitation to talk about the development of Kumbungu on any platform. Since 1992, no politician, or government appointee, be it MP or DCE has ever done what have done for the people of Kumbungu. Nobody. Such person is yet to be born”, the DCE boasted.

“The first project on electrification in the Kumbungu district, I connected 15 communities to the national grid. And at the end of the first 4 years of president Akufo-Addo, I was able to connect 36 communities. And as we speak, I have connected 70 out of 117 communities in Kumbungu district as DCE”, he added.

Mr. Fatawu Hamza also used the opportunity to say that he has used the assembly get fund to renovate some projects left by the erstwhile NDC government in the district, especially the health facilities which he thought were critical to the development of the area, adding that the credit goes to all of them not only him.

He also said he believed on road network and construction in the area, no politician has pushed for them to be done like he has done, mentioning Gbulung to Kumbungu road as one example of roads he has done for the people that has helped to make transportation eaay for the people between the 2 communities.

He however said it was not the intention of the assembly to abandon the road at Kanfehi Yili in its current form, explaining that the contractor failed them, and that he was doing everything to ensure the road is fixed anytime soon.

DCE, Fatawu Hamza speaking
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