Mion : NDC King Yellow donates footballs to support Misbahu’s spots initiative


National Executive Member of the opposition NDC, Godfred Apasinaba Sulemana Wumbei has donated six (6) footballs and amount of 500 GHC as part of his contribution towards the just ended football matches in the Mion Constituency organised by party’s parliamentary candidate, Alhaji Misbahu Adams Mahama.

At the event, the former Northern Regional organiser of the NDC emphasized that football games are lucrative these days, and is one of avenues a nation can use to develop her human resources, assuring the Mion people that when the party comes to power in 2024, they shall support them in the sports sector.

King Yellow also thanked the Alhaji Misbahu for the opportunity created to hardness the talents of the youth through football.

King Yellow donates footballs to Mion

Alhaji Misbahu on his part promised to push for the NDC next government to build sports stadium for the people of Mion,  when he was addressing the gathering in Sang, at the just ended soccer event of the football games for the people on Saturday, December 23, though the games started on Friday, December 22.

“We already told you that it is not just about the goals we would score or the trophy we would go home with. We want to use the football to bring peace and development for our people. So it doesn’t matter who won or who couldn’t, all that matters is, we are all happy that we came together to socialize and to share common ideas”, he told the gathering.

“Again, it is not going to end here. We have come with international football scouts to identify potential footballers and groom them. We want to also have the likes of Messy, Ronaldo and co from Mion. We shall build a befitting sports stadium for the people of Mion, so it will contribute in developing our constituency”, Alhaji Misbahu told Mion electrates.

At the end of the games, the Sang zone energed as the winners and took home an amount of 1,000 GHC, footballs and set of  jerseys, while Kpabia zone came 2nd and went home with 800 GHC footballs and set of jerseys.

The Jimle Zone took 3rd position, and was given 600 GHC, footballs and set of jerseys with Zakpalsi zone placed 4th position and was given 400 GHC, footballs and set of jerseys, while the rest of the zones were given 300 GHC each, set of jerseys and footballs.

The best footballer of the games went to Master Abdul-Ganiw of Kpabia zone and best scorer to Master Jafaru Alhassan N-Yaba of Sang zone.

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