MPs, staff trapped in parliament elevators as ECG disconnects power over GHc 23 million debt


Members of Parliament and other parliamentary staff were trapped in the elevators of the Job 600 office complex of Parliament as the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) disconnected power due to outstanding debt.

The disconnection, triggered by a GHc23 million debt owed by Parliament House and Job 600, plunged the building into darkness, except for the chamber block, which remained operational on a generator.

A visit by to the offices housing the MPs revealed total darkness with some of them receiving their visitors in the discomfort.

Some MPs and their staff were drenched in sweat and had to reschedule their meetings with officials and constituents. Those who remained in their offices had to open their secure and locked windows to make their visitors comfortable.

Amidst the power outage, a distressing incident occurred when individuals and some MPs found themselves trapped in elevators within the building. With Job 600 and adjoining offices completely powerless, the elevators malfunctioned, leaving occupants stranded in the darkness.

Promptly responding to the emergency, personnel from the Ghana National Fire Service were promptly dispatched to the scene to rescue those trapped in the elevators. The situation escalated as frantic efforts were made to safely evacuate the stranded individuals.

Reports from witnesses described a scene of panic and confusion as people desperately sought assistance while navigating through the dimly lit corridors.

The power cut led to a brief interruption in parliamentary proceedings for close to 3 minutes at a time Members of Parliament were debating the State of the Nation Address by the president.

The minority took the floor to chant “Dumsor, Dumsor, Dumsor,” before a standby generator was powered to keep the lights in the Chamber block on.

Sources close to the National Taskforce of the service provider confirmed to that they carried out the disconnection to Parliament House and Job 600, the office complex for Members of Parliament due to the outstanding debt.

This action is part of the ongoing “Operation Zero Balance” initiative by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) task force, aimed at recovering unpaid debts.

Efforts to collect the debt from the legislature had been unsuccessful before the disconnection.


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