N/R NPP Publicity & Media Committee now useless – angry communicator


Could this be an oversight, no!

Let’s ponder seriously and act now and now. Do PMC have a success story over the political year cycle that necessitates this wastage and jamboree? No!

These are the questions many communicators and activists are asking, and let me state that some of us are working for the love of the party but not an individual, because those whom we look up to have taking us for granted and do not  take us seriously at all, just because few have reduced political communication and activism to name calling and chanting. We have reduced party activism to praise singing and leadership worshipping and not service.

Even NDC in opposition for virtually seven years still has the direction of communication as a party, they know when to chant and when to go all out in defense or protect party positions. NPP under the current leadership especially the northern region is in a directionless motion at a full glare of every descending member of party (NPP ).
As for our defunct and comatose PMC under its current leadership the best decision is to allow it to continue being at its slumber it enjoys best rather than waking it up, PMC came to lime light and was relevant under Mr. Rashid COP as Y/O and Mr wisdom ( Abubakar Sadik Wisdom ) as its chairman, and since their exit from office there’s nothing more important about it existence again except their jamboree end of year party and money making adventures.
Capacity building and resourcing of communication bureaus should have been the topmost priority as a party wing in government, especially going into a very crucial and historic election 2024 , but what do we see ! What PMC can think about at this important hour is partying and  creating unnecessary division and intrusion of our support base .  Let’s not underestimate the fighting spirit of NDC especially when they have built their self entitlement of “it’s our time” .
NPP Let’s watch out !

Writer – Salifu Issah ZOMO ( Yendi constituency NPP communication member In-studio)  0248527900

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