Northerners are t0ugh seeds ; I love them – Kumasi lady on Faila’s c00k-athon


A lady identified as Ewuraa Serwaa Hwesoyedew Danso and a native of Kumasi per her Facebook account details has energized Abdul Razak Failatu in her attempt to break the Guinness World Record cook-athon by describing northerners as “tough seeds”.

Commenting on a video of Failatu speaking ahead of her journey to start the cooking, Ewuraa believed northerners by nature are hardworking and won’t relent on anything they start until they get the results being targeted.

“I love northerners ankasa. They’re tough seeds. she can do it”, she wrote on a post Jah Bless Faila is seen talking about her preparation towards the task that is supposed to end in 7 days.

Failatu Abdul-Razak, is a native of Tamale in the Northern region who has officially being okayed to set a new Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual.

She  commenced the cooking on January 1, 2024, and is supposed to end on January 5, 2024, at the Modern City Hotel in Tamale in the Northern region.

Failatu Abdul-Razak will be cooking Ghanaian local dishes among others.

Ugandan chef Dorcus Mirembe, popularly known as Mama D, has however broken the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon set by the Irish chef, Alan Fisher with a time of 119 hours 57 minutes.

The Ugandan chef has set a new Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon with a cooking time of 144 hours and 20 minutes.

In an interview with Failatu Abdul-Razak, she indicated that her participation in the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon will put Ghana and the North on the international stage.

“ I strongly believe my participation will put Ghana and the North on the global stage and promote tourism and other economic opportunities for Ghana”, she told Daily Guide reporter Eric Combat.

She was optimistic that young ladies and the youth in Tamale will be inspired that everything is possible and will encourage them to achieve greatness.

Failatu Abdul-Razak appealed to Ghanaians especially the good people of the North to troop to the venue and support her to ensure that she breaks the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual.

The Overlord of Dagbon, Ndan Ya Naa, other chiefs, politicians, and other stakeholders have assured Failatu Abdul-Razak of their support to ensure she breaks and sets a new Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual.

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