Review article 244 (2) of 1992 constitution – Mion District Assembly PM


The Presiding Member for Mion District Assembly, Hon. Iddrisu Ndung Amin has appealed that article 244 (2) of the 1992 constitution be reviewed.

He made this call during the 3rd Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the Mion District yesterday, November 24, adding that it has led to some assemblies operating without presiding members.

Read his statement below:


On Friday, the 24th of November 2023, i presided over the General Assembly meeting of Mion District Assembly held in the District assembly conference hall.

In my opening remarks, i added my voice by calling for a review of Article 244 (2) of the 1992 Constitution to allow for the election of presiding members for district assemblies by simple majority.

Article 244 (1) of the 1992 Constutition states that “The District Assembly shall have a Presiding Member who shall be elected by the assembly from among its members.”

Article 244 (2) of the Constitution further directs that “The Presiding Member shall be elected by at least two-thirds majority of all the members of the Assembly.”

The issue of presiding members failing to meet the constitutional requirement of Article 244 (2) has become common over the years, leading to some district assemblies operating without presiding members.

I also joined my colleagues presiding members to called for a constitutional amendment that will help to bridge the gap between times that assemblies are dissolved and when new members are re-elected.

I made this appeal through the member of Parliament for Mion, Hon Musah Abdul-Aziz Ayaba who participated in the deliberations.

The assembly discussed and approved the Executive Committee report, the Composite Budget estimates, the Annual Action Plan and Fee-fixing resolution for 2024.

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