Sad, as Karaga MP, Dr. Anta hints he won’t contest after winning 2024


The Member of Parliament for Karaga constituency who doubles as Minister of State at the Finance Ministry, Dr.Mohammed Amin Adam Anta has disclosed that he does not intend to run more than 2 terms as MP.

The MP noted that when his constituents repose confidence in him again by voting for him in the 2024 General elections to represent them in parliament, it will mark the end of his term in office as MP as he will not seek reelection.

According to the MP, he has made enough impact on his constituency as MP for the area since assuming office, suggesting that if his constituents renew his mandate for another term he might have left indelible legacy that will linger on the memories of the people in his constituency forever.

Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam asserted this, when he was responding to questions from journalists in a press soaree organized by the Minister of State at the Finance ministry at his residence in Tamale. The media Soaree contains cocktail party and feasting for invited people including selected journalists and NPP folks.

Present for the Soaree, were Northern Regional Minister, Shani Alhassan Shaibu, GJA-Northern Regional Chapter, Yakubu Abdul Majid, Northern Regional NPP Executives and some selected journalists.

While addressing the journalists gathered at the Karaga MP’s residence, the Northern Regional Minister, Shani Alhassan Shaibu indicated that the MP will be impressed upon to still contest for the seat and remain in Parliament to serve Mother Ghana and bring development to his people given his vast knowledge, expertise and experience in politics and governance.

Since becoming MP, he has initiated numerous projects ranging from health, education, water, energy, roads, Women and youth empowerment among others aimed at improving livelihoods of the people in the Karaga constituency.

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