Soyalana Excellent Service Awards: former NDC MPs, DCEs grab top prizes


Member of Parliament for Tolon Constituency, Alhaji Habib Iddris has launched his maiden Soyalana Excellent Service Awards in the constituency with some former MPs belonging to the opposition National Democratic Congress NDC going home with top prizes.

The awardees were selected from various departments of the Tolon District Assembly will the some being former MPs, DCEs and other government appointees who have serviced in different capacities to bring development to the area.

Delivering his speech at the occasion, the MP said, “Tonight is not just about recognition; it’s a celebration of the spirit of service, dedication, and the incredible impact that individuals from diverse backgrounds have made on the development and well-being of our constituency.”

“This year’s Soyalana Excellent Service Award Night marks a pivotal shift from our previous
celebrations. In the past, we have focused on awarding various departments within our district
assembly with essential tools and equipment, such as motorbikes and office supplies, to aid in the efficient discharge of their duties. We have also celebrated our teachers, awarding them motorbikes, fridges, and TVs in acknowledgement of their invaluable contribution to our
community’s education as part of the activities marking our National Independence Day Celebration”, he added.

According to him, this is totally a different one from the usual one his outfit has been doing for teachers and some other professionals in the district who have been contributing to its development.

“However, this year, we have broadened our horizons to recognise and honour individuals across various roles and contributions. This expansion includes the introduction of lifetime
achievement awards in public service and humanity, paying tribute to our deserving senior citizens who have dedicated their lives to the growth and prosperity of our constituency. This shift reflects our evolving understanding and appreciation of service and contribution, recognising that the development of our community is a multifaceted endeavour that transcends any single profession or department”, Alhaji Habib stated.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Tonight, we hail each awardee for their sacrifices and tireless efforts.
Your work has not only improved the lives of our constituents but has also laid a strong foundation for future generations. Your dedication exemplifies the true spirit of service and commitment to our constituency’s well-being”, he concluded.

Some of the persons awarded are, former MP for the area between the years 2005 to 2013, Alhaji Umar Abdul Razak, who was awarded a brad new motorbike in appreciation of his service to the Tolon Constituency, his predecessor, Alhaji Abdulai Salifu and some former district chiefs executives under the late president Jerry John Rawlings.

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