Stop insulting Bawumia – N/R NPP responds to NDC Fiifi Kwetey


The Northern Regional Communication Directorate of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has responded to the comments by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) General Secretary on Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, describing it as “ethnocentric”.

In a press conference today Thursday, February 22, led by the party’s communication director, Yussif Danjumma, the NPP said it was regrettable to hear such statement from the NDC Fiifi Kwetey, adding that the NPP flagbearer has changed the politics in Ghana, by moving it from “politics of insults to a more dignified politics”.

Read the full statement below:

For Immediate Release In Response to Comments Made by the NDC General Secretary, Fiifi Kwetey :

The northern regional leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) attention has been drawn to a video that has been widely circulated, showing the General Secretary of the National Democratic
Congress (NDC), Mr. Fiifi Kwetey, engaging in a deplorable act of raining ethnocentric insults on the person of the Vice President and the flagbearer of NPP, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, labeling him as a ‘disgrace to the north. This regrettable incident marks a significant departure from the politics of ideas and data-driven argument espoused by Dr. Bawumia.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has been at the forefront of transforming Ghana’s political
communication landscape. Since entering public political engagement, he has been a stalwart advocate for a shift from the politics of insults to a more dignified politics – one centered around ideas, policy proposals, and data-driven arguments. His contributions have not only elevated the level of political debate in our country but have also inspired many to engage in
meaningful and constructive political discourse.

Dr. Bawumia’s exceptional record of service to Ghana, his unimpeachable integrity, competence, and visionary leadership stands in stark contrast to the baseless and divisive rhetoric peddled
by Mr. Kwetey. It is evident that the unparalleled achievements of Dr. Bawumia, coupled with his dedication to the socio-economic upliftment of all Ghanaians, including the people of the North, have unsettled the NDC, driving its leadership to resort to personal attacks rooted in tribalistic outbursts.

This irresponsible outburst could have been ignored, but since Mr. Kwetey wants Ghanaians to know who is a “disgrace to the North,” we will use this medium to present the records of Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia and Mr. John Mahama, both sons of the North, for Ghanaians to judge who truly is a disgrace to the north.

Corruption Throughout his tenure as Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana and as Vice President of Ghana within the past seven years, Dr. Bawumia has never been accused of any act of corruption or associated with any corruption-related issues. This is in stark contrast to John
Mahama. Although Mr. Mahama labeled Ghanaians as having a short memory, we can still recall the episode of the late President Atta Mills setting up a committee to investigate John Mahama, the then vice president, for allegations of corruption and receiving kickbacks from the purchase of military aircraft.

Furthermore, we still remember the shame John Mahama brought upon himself by accepting the gift of a Ford Expedition vehicle from a Burkinabe contractor, Djibril Kanazoe, meant to influence the award of government contracts to Mr. Kanazoe. The Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) investigated this matter and found President John Mahama breached the gift policy. Indeed, is John Mahama and not Dr Bawumia who is a “disgrace to the North,”
Ghanaians know that John Mahama is the one described in the Airbus SE bribery scandal as the ‘government official one’ or ‘individual one found to have received a kickback bribe of at least 5 million Euros. These and many related instances mark monumental scandals John Mahama brought upon himself and his family and how disgraceful he is as a northerner. If Fiifi Kwetey is searching for someone who is a disgrace to the North, he need not look further than within his party.

Personal Character and Dignity:

Dr. Bawumia is known for his impeccable character and dignity as a public servant and a family man. On the other hand, John Mahama’s personal life, including his dealings with dubious characters referred to as ‘slay queens’ such as Mzbel and Tracy Boakye, has attracted public abhor and ridicule of the character of Mr. Mahama.

In the lead up to the NDC presidential primaries on May 13, 2023, a petition signed by Kofi B. Kukubor, dated May 7, and addressed to the NDC General Secretary, said: “The current times, in
which we are, requires that we do not elect a flagbearer with serious alcohol addiction issues”.

This was in reference to John Mahama. The petition also stated, “It is for this reason that Team Duffuor is of the firm conviction that if the party’s structures cannot disqualify candidates with alcohol addiction problems, delegates must save our party and the country by voting massively against such candidates.

The country needs leaders whose’ ability to make sound judgments to solve Ghana’s problems is not impaired by alcohol addiction. Dr. Bawumia is not an alcoholic. John Mahama party people say he is addicted to alcohol. Who is a ‘disgrace to the north’? Commitment to the Development of the North Bawumia, in his seven years as Vice President, has demonstrated unwavering commitment
to the development of the North. This includes the construction of the Tamale interchange and many major road networks such as the northern section of the Eastern Corridor roads, dual
carriageway in Bimbila and Yendi townships, and numerous other projects like Yendi to Zabzugu, Zabzugu to Tatale, Tamale to Yendi, Nanton to Karaga, and Tali to Daboya roads.

The Agenda 111 initiative is set to deliver many more district hospitals, some of which include Mion, Nanton, Kumbungu, Saboba, Wulensi, and Karaga districts. In contrast, under John Mahama’s tenure, only the Fufulso to Sawla road was constructed, which started deteriorating
in less than four years of its construction.
Creation of a New Region While John Mahama failed to fulfill his promise to create the Savannah Region out of the then Northern Region during his eight years in office, this significant administrative and developmental milestone was achieved within the first four years of Dr. Bawumia’s vice
presidency, honoring a long-standing commitment to the King and people of the Gonjaland.

The call for the carving out of the Savannah region from the then-northern region gained lprominence in 2003 when the Gonja land Youth Association (GLYA) lent its support to the call by the then-king of Gonjas, Yagbonwura Bawa Doshi I. In a communiqué issued at the end of the
association’s 27″ Annual Delegates Congress, the association called on the government to carve another region out of the Northern region.

As a son of the Gonjaland, John Mahama has several times promised to honor the request for the creation of the Savannah region but failed to do so. At the first anniversary of the then King of Gonjaland Yagbonwura Boresa in 2011, John Mahama, the then vice president, was the
special guest of honor, and he again promised to create the Savannah region and failed once again to honor his promise. This is what we call a disgrace to the North.

The evidence is clear, and the comparison is un ambiguous. Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia’s contributions to the North and Ghana as a whole are monumental and transformative, in stark contrast to the record of Mr. John Mahama. The NPP urges Ghanaians to look beyond divisive
and unfounded rhetoric and to recognize the true value and integrity of leaders who have consistently worked for the betterment of our nation.

The NPP wishes to remind the public and the NDC that the politics of ethnocentrism and tribal division are relics of the past. Ghana has made significant strides towards unity and national cohesion, and we will not allow the regressive tendencies of individuals like Mr. Kwetey to derail
our collective progress. The NPP remains committed to a campaign based on policies, ideas, and the track record of its candidates, and we call on the NDC and other political actors to do the same.

Yussif DanjumaH
Director of Communications NPP-NR

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