Suspend Dagomba Boy for anti party behavior – NPP communicator to executives

Mahamudu Anyars Gazale
Mahamudu Anyars Gazale

Communicator for the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mahamudu Anyars Gazale in the Northern Region has called on the party to immediately suspend former regional chairman aspirant, Alhaji Amadu Inusah Dagomba for what he described as anti-party behavior.

Anyars call came following an interview Alhaji Dagomba Boy granted on Zaa TV yesterday Saturday saying that the NPP would lose the Yendi seat, should the incumbent, Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama win the party parliamentary primaries to lead it in the 2024 elections.

Read what Anyars wrote on Facebook:

After carefully listening to Alhaji Inusah Amadu Dagomba Boy a member of the NPP and also two times failed Northern regional chairman hopeful of the NPP during his interview on Zaa TV/radio on the 30/09/23 with Alhassan Yushawu Jahanfo, I am appealing to the leadership of the NPP to with immediate effect invoke Article 4 section 7(A&B) ii,v, and vi of the party constitution on him and also proceed to SUSPEND him from the party for his gross misconduct during his interview on Zaa Tv/Radio. His comments which have gone viral on several social media platforms stage to nurse confusion within the party in Yendi.

I equally appeal to leadership to again SUSPEND him from the party for openly campaigning for the NDC in the Yendi constituency during his interview on Zaa TV/radio.

Alhaji Amadu Inusah Dagomba boy commence poses serious damages to the NPP both within Yendi and the region at large and if not carefully handled may cause the party to go into 2024 general elections.

His statements which have since gone viral on several social media platforms were unfortunate, unguided, and hateful for the party and the member of Parliament for the Yendi constituency Farouk Aliu Mahama MP.

I will personally send a petition to the leadership of the party to properly investigate those unguided comments by Alhaji Amadu Inusah and also make sure that he is properly suspended from the party.

Finally, am appealing to the National campaign coordinator for H E Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia the Vice President of the Republic Of Ghana, and also the Presidential Candidate hopeful of the NPP to officially suspend Alhaji Amadu Inusah Dagomba Boy who is actively involved in the campaign to get the Vice President elected as the leader of the party from all their activities in Northern region until his unfounded comments are investigated by the party.

No one’s personal interest must be allowed to supersede that of the general party interest and it is in my prayers that, leadership will crack the whip on Alhaji Amadu Inusah Dagomba Boy just as they have done the same on those who fault these very articles in our party constitution.
Thank You and God Bless Us All.

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