Tamale South MP hands over 12th CHPS Compound to constituents


Member of Parliament MP for Tamale South Constituency, Haruna Iddrisu has boasted that he, as MP for the area has constructed more health facilities than Tamale Metropolitan Assembly, where the constituency is located.

The former minority leader made these  comments at Yag-Yili, a suburb of the constituency on Friday, December 23 where he handed over a Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Compound to the people therein.

The fully equipped facility will provide
preventive and primary health care services to residents of Yag-yili and its environs, a rural part of Tamale, which lacked access to health facilities.

This brings to 12 the total number of CHPS Compounds Mr Iddrisu has constructed since he became the MP for the area.

Mr Iddrisu, who was joined by the Chief of
Yag-yili and his elders in the Northern Region, and officials of the Tamale Metropolitan Health Directorate to inaugurate the CHPS Compound, touted his contribution to improving access to quality health care delivery in the Metropolis.

“I have built more CHPS Compounds than
the Tamale Metro,” he added. The Ghana News Agency learnt that out of the 66 demarcated CHPS Zones for the Tamale Metropolis, only 16 have been built. And out of the 16, the MP alone has
constructed 12.

Mr Iddrisu assured the people of his
commitment to continuously address the felt needs of his constituents and commended them for their support.

Dr Barikisu Seidu, the Tamale Metropolitan
Director of Health, expressed gratitude to the MP for working relentlessly to bridge the CHPS Compound deficit and improve accessto quality health care services in the area.

She said more communities in the
Metropolis needed health facilities and
appealed to him to help renovate and equip other CHPS Compounds and health facilities to serve the people.

Yabugu-Lana, Chief of Yag-yili, said the
facility had come as a great relief for the
people who would not have to travel to other towns to access health care services.

Below is a list of the health facilities he has built so far :

1. Tugu CHPS

2. Vittin Dabogushei CHPS

3. Yong-Dakpemayili CHPS

4. Kakpagyili CHPS

5. Dungu CHPS

6. Bamvim CHPS

7. Kootingli CHPS

8. Duunyin CHPS

9. Adubiliyili CHPS

10. Gbambaya CHPS

11. Nyohini South CHPS and

12. Yag-yili CHPS.

Source : radiotamaleonline.com

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