Video: Bawumia’s head is full of rubbish – NDC National Executive, King Yellow fires


The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) National Executive Committee (NEC) member, Godfred Apasinaba Wumbei also known as Yellow Man has thrown a jibe at the vice president, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, describing his head as full of rubbish.

Yellow Man said this when he was speaking exclusively on radio Tamale’s Bugum Beni show hosted by Mr. Tell on Friday, October 6, justifying his statement, he wondered why the veep has not been able to use his economic knowledge to help the Nana Akufo-Addo government out of the current hardship.

“If you know the quantity of rubbish gathered in Qualey lagoon, that is what is in the vice president’s head. If he claims he is a doctor of economics, what was the dollar to cedi ratio, when we (NDC) left the country for them to manage? Haven’t they benefited from the Russian-Ukrain war? Haven’t they benefited from the COVID?”, He asked.

According to him, the vice president is the most incompetent politician he has ever comes across in Ghanaian political scene, saying that there is no basis for comparison between Dr. Bawumia and former president John Mahama.

Ghanaians have resolved to remain in the streets in protest of economic hardship as the West African country continues to struggle with a high cost of living.

The protest, which began on Thursday — with protesters taking their grievances to Jubilee House, Ghana’s presidential palace in Accra — is expected to continue on Monday.

Although inflation in Ghana has been on a decline, hitting a 10-month low in August at 40.1 percent from 43.1 percent in July; the protesters are still asking the Ghanaian government to “Fixthecountry” as the slowdown in inflation rate is not reflecting in their daily lives.

In July, the World Bank said Ghana’s economy in 2023 would grow by 1.5 percent. The lender also projected that growth would expand by 2.8 percent in 2024.

The projections fall short of the 3.1 percent reported in 2022. The country’s economic downturn has forced the Ghanaian government to seek its 17th financial rescue from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 1957.

Last year, Ghana approached the IMF for a bailout loan of $3 billion, after its citizens took to the streets to protest over spiralling inflation, currency depreciation, and other economic woes.

Amid the country’s financial problem, President Nana Akufo-Addo decided to build a new 5,000-capacity national cathedral, which would cost the government more than $400 million

NDC Yellow Man speaking against Bawumia
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