Video : Ghana’s Faila knows how to prepare jollof than Hilda – angry Nigerian man


There is a video in circulation about a
gentleman speaking Nigerian pidgin, and is said to be a Nigerian citizen, praising the Ghanian chef, Failatu Abdul Razak for cooking nice jollof, saying that it is better than what Hilda Baci did when she also attempted the Guinness World Record cook-athon.

Though this portal is yet to get him details, it seems he is visibly not happy with the way Hilda prepared her food when she made the attempt and ended up cooking for 90 days setting her own record which has been broken by 2 people from different countries so far.

Woman enjoying the Ghana’s jollof

Faila’s food, especially the jollof has become a talk of town with everyone across the continent praising her for taking her time to prepare the food well, knowing that it is for competition.

She is supposed to cook for 7 days to break a 144 hours record recently set by a Ugandan lady who beaten an Irish man to be the new title holder.

Video of the Nigerian man expressing anger
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