Wallahi Akufo-Addo has rescued Ghana – Mustapha Hameed


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA), Dr. Mustapha Abdul Hamid, has asserted that the Akufo-Addo government has rescued the country from the challenges it faced during the previous John Mahama administration.

While acknowledging existing challenges, the former Information Minister emphasised that Ghanaians are now in a better position.

According to Dr Hamid, since assuming office in 2017, the government has implemented forward-looking policies that have significantly benefited the citizens.https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=314&href=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.facebook.com%2FJoyNewsOnTV%2Fvideos%2F1324029721809452%2F&show_text=false&width=560&t=0

In an interview with JoyNews on Sunday, November 26, Dr. Hamid expressed confidence that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has performed well and will receive recognition in the 2024 elections.

“Yes, we have rescued the country. The economy is challenged without a doubt, but I am saying that we have taken this country beyond where we found it. I always tell people not to worry. No shaking. There is time for debate and we will come and debate the issues in the election year and I will justify all the rescuing that we have done for this country.”

“We have saved over 400,000 young people who but for our policies will be languishing on the streets of our country, but are now pursuing proper careers for their lives,” he said.

Dr Mustapha Abdul-Hamid also added that Minister of Energy, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, is the ideal candidate to be chosen as the running mate for Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.

He cited Dr. Opoku Prempeh’s long-standing association with the party, and deep understanding of its ideologies, and principles as qualities that make him well-suited for the role.

The Islamic Scholar emphasised that Dr Opoku Prempeh has demonstrated competence in politics and brings significant political value to the party, making him a compelling choice who cannot be overlooked.

“The candidate won’t ask for my opinion, but if he were to ask my opinion that all the names that have been thrown around, who can give us political value and political capital, I would say Matthew Opoku Prempeh. First of all, he is a political colossus in our tradition. He has been a political participant in our political tradition for ages.”

“So he knows the party well and knows our philosophies and principles of our party. The other thing is that, ever since he held political office, he has accomplished. I was in cabinet with him and for the four years that we were in cabinet and he at the Ministry of Education, he tabled and passed the most reforming laws.”

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