We’ll not apologize to you – GJA replies Yendi MP on journalist’s assault


The Northern Regional Chapter of the Ghana Journalists Association has said that it is not ready to apologize to the Member of Parliament for Yendi, Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama for joining them in the suit against Citi FM’s journalist, Mohammed Amin Alabira.

In an exclusive interview with NTV, secretary of the association, Albert Futukpor disclosed that the matter is already before the police for investigations, adding that the MP could join them therein for resolution.

He said they have already reported the case to their superiors in Accra, and that they can not do anything about it.

“We are not ready to apologize to the MP. We have already reported the matter to the police who are investigating it now. The MP should report to the Police for questioning. And again, it is no more in our hands, but the national executives”, Futukpor said on the NTV news at 1.

In the court sermon served the Citi FM’s journalist, a portion of it read:

“6. Our instructions are that on the same 28h January 2024 you Yakubu Abdul-Majeed claiming to be the Chalrman of the Northern Reglonal Branch of the
Ghana Journallst Associatlon in a press release did not only reproduce the falsehood perpetuated by Mr. Mohammed Aminu Alabira and his employer but to the reading of the whole wide world you made certain false statements to the fact that our cllent’s conduct was shameful and barbaric and made calls to the Ghana Pollice Service to effect arrest on our client thus impugning criminality on our client.

7. Our client instructs that again the Northern Regiongl Branch of the Ghana
Broadcasting Corporation failed to reach out to him before its press release
to ascertain from him the veracity or otherwise of the information churned
out by its member Mr. Mohammed Alabira as standard journalism practice etiquettes and code of conduct require”, the sermon added.

8. Our instructions are that if citinewsroom or the Northern Regional Branch of the Ghana Journalist Association had contacted our client for his response before going public with the false publication, you would have realized that our client was nowhere near Mr. Mohammed Aminu Alabira in the ensuing

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