Why Bawumia will get 100% votes in Yendi to be NPP flagbearer on November 4


As the date for the presidential primaries of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) inches closer, there have been many promises made and assurances given to vice president, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia who is crisscrossing across the length and breath of the country get himself elected.

Many of those, especially some constituency executives and their parliamentary candidates have expressed optimism of securing hundred percent for the veep, which some have described as “over ambitious”.

But in the case of the Yendi constituency, Dr. Bawumia will on November 4 get 100% votes or at least, 99.9 percent, looking at the voting pattern and dynamics of the NPP internal elections therein.

The constituency’s delegates list is controlled by three (3) key people who are all influencial in the affairs of the NPP over there. And they are ; MP, Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama, MASLOC boss, Hajia Abibata Saani Mahama and Alhaji Baba Daney.

All of them are in support of the vice president, and are campaigning seriously for his victory to be NPP flagbearer on November 4.

And not only them, former constituency chairman, Alhaji Amadu Inusah Dagomba, who recently contested against the incumbent regional chairman has declared his unflinching support for the Dr. Bawumia and is campaigning for him too.

It is on this, and other information available to dominancetv.com that the Yendi constituency is completely for Dr. Bawumia, and he is poised to get 100 percent on the D-Day, though the situation may change few days to the elections.

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