You don’t know Gushegu politics; your comments are reckless – NPP replies Malimali


The New Patriotic Party NPP in the Gusshegu Constituency has responded to the opposition National Democratic Congress NDC parliamentary candidate, Yussif Malimali over his video warning strangers not to attempt to transfer their votes to thd constituency purposely to vote for the NPP in this year’s elections.

In a statement responding to Mr. Malimali, the NPP through its communication director, Mohammed Imoro (Oluu Kpatinga) described the NDC’s candidate’s comments as “reckless” and “irresponsible”, adding that he is ignorant about politics in Gushegu.

Read the statement below:


Our attention has been drawn to a 5 minutes 44 seconds video recording of the NDC parliamentary candidate for the Gushegu constituency, Mohammed Yussif Malimali, in circulation on social media, which has also been transcripted and published by the Dominance News Online.  In the said video, the NDC parliamentary candidate is seen issuing unwarranted threats to potential voters in the constituency, especially constituents living outside the constituency who may want to register or transfer their votes back home. We wish to state as follows;

i. That every politician no matter how inexperienced and incompetent they are, at least knows the political environment in which they operate at any point in time. Sadly it appears Malimali doesn’t know the climate of Gushegu at the moment, hence his reckless and irresponsible comments.

ii. That if Malimali had known the political environment of Gushegu, he would have known that the climate is not good for intemperate language such as his, as was used in the said video. 

iii. That the focus and priority of the Member of Parliament for the constituency, Hon. Lawyer Alhassan Sulemana Tampuli at the moment is to work with relevant stakeholders to ensure sustenance of peace before, during and after the performance of the funeral rites of the late paramount chief of the Gushegu Traditional Area, Gushe Naa Abdulai Shitobu and subsequent selection of a new chief for the ancient town of Gushegu.

iv. That Hon. Tampuli has no intention whatsoever of rigging the upcoming elections, neither has he any intention of bringing people who are not constituents of the constituency to vote. 

v. That Malimali and the NDC are however assured of one thing, i.e., every constituent living outside Gushegu has the right to come home and register or transfer their votes home to enable them to vote in the Gushegu constituency on election day. And there’s ABSOLUTELY nothing Malimali can do about that, whether he knows them or not.

vi. That Malimali is so scared because he knows he has lost the elections already, that’s why he’s preparing the minds of his party people to blame everyone but himself, including his party agents for his failure. 

vii. That Hon.Tampuli has no time to buy any NDC agents. He would rather use the money to support students to pay their school fees, drill boreholes and dredge dams for communities as he’s well known for doing. 

viii. That even if Malimali’s wife is made the EC returning officer for Gushegu, Hon. Tampuli will still beat him any day in any election.

ix. That the good people of Gushegu rightly deserve to benefit from the services of Metro Mass Transit Limited buses currently plying the Gushegu-Karaga-Tamale route as citizens of Ghana just like other districts in the Northern Region and all across the country are benefitting. Nobody, absolutely nobody can stop the good people of Gushegu from getting their fair share of the national cake.  Conclusion.  In conclusion, we want to state that, between Malimali and Hon.

Tampuli, he (Malimali) is more likely to want to disturb the peace of the constituency, as he hasn’t invested anything in the constituency that he would need peace to protect.  Hon. Tampuli on the other hand has invested a lot in the constituency and will never want to disturb the peace of a constituency he’s investing so much in. He has supported lots of students in their education, provided and continues to provide job opportunities to a lot of the youth, provided and continues to provide electricity to several communities, invested a lot in our road network, drilled boreholes in over hundred communities, nurses quarters, teachers quarters, health centers and many more projects are still ongoing.

Finally, we want to encourage Malimali to learn from history of political rascality and violence across the country and know that there’s no dividend for threats of violence.  Every citizen of Ghana who hails from Gushegu or meets the threshold of the EC for vote transfer is welcome to do so, be they NPP or NDC. Come back home and contribute to the development of our constituency by participating in the decision making process.

This right is not conferred on you by Mr. Malimali or Hon. Tampuli, it is guaranteed under the 1992 constitution of the Republic of Ghana and other extant electoral laws. 

We want to assure Mr. Malimali that, the peace of Gushegu will be guarded and preserved by any means. He shouldn’t test our resolve! It’s a word of advice we are giving him for free. A word to the wise…                                                   


Long live mother Ghana     

Long live Gushegu Municipality    

Long live NPP.      


Mohammed Imoro (Oluu Kpatinga) NPP Communications Officer.
Tel: 0548624843

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