Your decision to campaign against Bawumia can affect your reputation – Wisdom to Afa Dujana


Dear Sheikh Abu Dujana,

Assalamu Alaikum, my dear brother in Islam. I hope this message finds you in the best of health and faith. I have been deeply troubled by the recent news of your decision to openly support the opposition candidate, John Mahama, and to actively campaign against the current vice president, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

As your lifelong friend and fellow Muslim, I feel compelled to share my sincere thoughts and concerns regarding this matter. Many people have reached out to me on this matter not only because of my relationship with Masjidul Bayaan but also because of the brotherhood relationship I share with you.

First and foremost, while it is natural for everyone to openly align with a political party, it’s exceptional for Islamic clerics.

I must remind you of the esteemed position you hold as a renowned Islamic cleric and the national P.R.O of Ahlusunna Waljamaa. The role of a religious leader is to guide the faithful, bring people together, and be a beacon of unity and spiritual guidance rather than to engage in overt political partisanship.

I understand that you feel strongly about your political convictions, but I implore you to consider the potential consequences of your actions.

As an esteemed Islamic cleric, you have been a beacon of guidance and spirituality for our community for many years. Your reputation as a man of faith, wisdom, and integrity is unparalleled. However, I fear that your recent decision to openly campaign against the vice president may jeopardize all that you have built.

I understand the pull of political involvement, especially in a time of great change and uncertainty. But as you well know, the role of an Islamic cleric is to remain above the fray of partisan politics, to serve as a unifying force for all believers, and to guide the community with a steadfast moral compass. By aligning yourself so publicly with one political candidate over another, you risk alienating a significant portion of your followers and diminishing the trust that has been placed in you.

Surely, you must recognize the delicate balance that exists between religious and political spheres and the care that must be taken to maintain that balance. By openly opposing the very individual, you risk jeopardizing not only your reputation but also the well-being of your family and the institutions you have built.

I implore you, my dear brother, to reconsider your decision to engage in active politics. While I understand the desire to make a difference and to champion the cause you believe in, I fear that the cost to your reputation and influence as an Islamic cleric may be too high. Your role as a spiritual leader is of far greater importance than any political victory, and your ability to guide and inspire your community is your greatest asset.

If you feel compelled to voice your political opinions, I would urge you to do so in a more discreet and less confrontational manner. Engage in respectful dialogue, offer constructive criticism, and focus on the issues that truly matter to your community. But do not allow your political leanings to overshadow the sacred responsibility you have as an Islamic cleric.

The challenges you may face in the coming days and weeks will be great, but I have faith in your ability to navigate them with wisdom and grace. Remember that your true calling is to serve the Almighty and to uplift the faithful, not to engage in the rough-and-tumble of partisan politics.

I pray that you will carefully consider the implications of your decision and that you will find the strength to put the needs of your community and your faith above all else. May Allah guide you and bless you in all your endeavours.

Your brother in Islam,
Abubakar Sadik Wisdom

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