You’re the biggest threat to peaceful 2024 elections – NDC Youth replies Akufo-Addo


The Regional Youth Wing of the opposition National Democratic Congress NDC in the Greater Accra has replied president Akufo-Addo on his comments to them following thier clean up exercise last week, describing him as the “biggest threat” to the peaceful elections in 2024.

The NDC youth’s reaction was necessitated by what they described as “provocative comments” by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo which sought to suggest that the November 23 clean-up exercise at the office of the flagbearer of our dear Party, John Dramani Mahama an action intended to stage
violence in the 2024 elections


The Regional Youth Wing has become aware of provocative comments
by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo which sought to suggest that the November 23 clean-up exercise at the office of the flag bearer of our dear Party, John Dramani Mahama, was an action intended to stage violence in the 2024 elections.

We have also taken notice of how pro-New Patriotic Party tabloids and communicators are on an inexorable mission to fan President Akufo Addo’s comments in a fruitless attempt to shift attention from President Mahama’s proposed transformative 24-hour economic policy.

It comes as a surprise to us that a President superintending over the current jaw-dropping levels of economic mismanagement created by his in-effectiveness and lousiness, would take up a propagandist lead role in tagging responsible citizens with violence for embarking on a clean-up exercise.

If the President has soon forgotten, we wish to remind him that the clean-up exercise was a stand-in action for his failed promise to make Accra the cleanest t city in Africa. Instead of seeking to paint us in bad light for despicable political advantage, President Akufo Addo should
have applauded us for taking up an exercise that he failed woefully to de-

The belching of warning over supposed brandishing of machetes is the weakest and illogical of all admonishments to have come from the Presi-dent. Typical of President Akufo Addo, he chose to wear his hypocritical lenses on November 23, hence he saw people holding only machetes but did not see those who carried brooms, shovels, mops, etc.

Respectfully, was the President expecting us to use bread knife from Mrs Rebecca Akufo Addo’s kitchen for the clean-up exercise? If that was the case, what stopped him fromn sending any of his wandering ele-phant-size presidential staffers to make them available to us?

If there was, and still is, any Ghanaian who possess threat to our democ-racy ahead of the 2024 election, it is President Akufo Addo himself. It wasunder his watch that about eight unsuspecting Ghanaians were killed by state sponsored brigands. These thugs are gleefully walking the streets of Ghana without apprehension because they are members of the mili-tants President Akufo Addo said, while in opposition, that were on their side. His belligerent posturing emboldened thugs to attack ASP Nanka Bruce at the Jubilee House without a word from him.

A President who is committed to peace would not be keeping known no-
torious land-guards as aide-de-camp when the Ghana Armed Forces have made adequate provision for his protection. This unpresidential conduct tells how President Akufo Addo himself is enmesh in hooligan-ism.

President Akufo Addo’s reaction, whether panic-stricken or well planned, only confirms the democratic delinquent badge of shame he has acquired so far as sanctioning attacks on political opponents is con-cerned. His hands are soiled with blood of innocent Ghanaians his thugs
have so far killed and the earlier he starts asking the Almighty maker for forgiveness of sin the better. The President should take note that the No-vember lean up exercise at the office of Mr Mahama would not be first neither would it be the last.

In line with the NDC flag bearer’s pledge, we are committed to a peaceful Ghana as we journey into the 2024 elections. However, President Akufo Addo and his political hangers-on should note that if they dare stage their gangsteric antics like they did in past elections, we shall equally meet them.

This time round, nobody would fold his arms and call on civil and moral
society to condemn President Akufo Addo and his trigger-happy thugs when strike, kill and maim NDC members. In the 2024 elections, if the NPP comes with peace, we shall embrace them with peace.

However, if they come the other way round, we will meet them squarely.


AMORSE, Amos Blessing
Regional Youth Organizer


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